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GP engagement

How do I get my GP to work with me on reducing medication please? I'd like to try using food instead of statins and apple cider vinegar instead of omeprazole. I don't want to go behind his back. I want us to work together without him dismissing me as someone who won't follow what he says. Thank you.

Restless Legs

I have had RLS since being small, my mother also had it. It affects me pretty much everyday as it prevents me from relaxing properly in the evenings, and frequently disturbs my sleep as the only way to ease the 'pain' is to get up and walk around. It affects shows, the cinema, meditation, travel, anywhere where I am in a confined space. Exercise and being over tired can make things worse. I'm trying Magnesium supplements, but not convinced. Any ideas and how do others cope? Sometimes I do get RLS in my arms!


I would appreciate a discussion on how to cure ostheoaerhritis in knees and hips. Maybe from an orthopedic specialist who is openminded and has a functional medicine approach. I find little more than how to decrease pain and only anecdotes about getting cured or stop the degeneration.


Is there an eating plan to support managing gallstone pain and inflammation? I'm on a waiting list to have it removed but I'm frightened of the anesthetic after a bad experience during childbirth


Why does it take so long for the nervous system & brain to heal?