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How do I stick with my health goals?

Hi there, new member here. Your podcast is really insightful and has shed a new light for me. I am aiming to live a healthier and active life. I know what I should do, but I can't seem to create realistic goals and stick with them, especially when it comes to exercising and dieting. Any tips or tricks to help would be much appreciated.

What is your morning routine?

What is your morning routine?

Dream guest

Who is your dream podcast guest who you’ve not already had on?? (You can pick someone from history/the past if you want...)

Advice for carers

I know you have experience caring for relatives. I live with and care for my grandparents in their late 80s. I find myself very stressed as there is always something to be done alongside managing working full time and my own life. How do you best manage the stress of providing care and trying to look after your own life too. Thanks very much!

how to access podcast on phone when signed up on macbook

how do I?